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English translation for "access to land"

Example Sentences:
1.Public access to land
2.The task planning of imaging satellite is to assign imaging demand to satellites and assign satellite accessing to land stations
3.The purpose of access management is to provide vehicular access to land development in a manner that reduces the problems of safety and efficiency attributable to unmanaged vehicular access
4.Responsibilities of the branch also include providing advice on regulatory accounting to the telecommunications authority , monitoring the performance of public telecommunications operators , investigating industry complaints regarding public telecommunications services , facilitating public mobile network operators access to land to place radiocommunications installations and coordinating the laying of ducts for telecommunications in public roads
5.Ofta s work in this aspect includes licensing and regulation of services ; setting equipment and network connection standards ; type - approving telecommunications equipment ; administering the numbering plan ; handling issues concerning access to land and provision of physical facilities for the installation of networks , including the co - ordination of access to buildings by operators and laying of ducts for telecommunication cables in public roads ; and handling and investigating consumer complaints pertaining to suspected breach of provisions in the telecommunications ordinance and licence conditions
6.Major amendments include enhancing the competition safeguards for the telecommunications industry , improving the interconnection and access to land and buildings for the establishment of telecommunications equipment for the telecommunications operators , streamlining the licensing framework to respond more flexibly to market development and providing powers to the ta on certain technical matters ( e . g . numbering plan and technical standards )
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